Commonsense solutions

Welcome to This website is Frugal Ron’s attempt to try and make a better world. I sincerely believe if enough people speak out about what is right, change can happen. This site is Frugal Ron’s vehicle for change.

What this website stands for…

This website is about real conservatism. This means government paying its bills when due without borrowing. Conservatism also means government staying out of the marketplace as much as possible. Details are fleshed out in articles on this website.

Articles on this site promote “smart” government. Real conservatives believe government should only get involved in areas where government can do something better than the private sector. Example are national defense, our judicial system and education.

Government  leaders need to look for places where government can do good and avoid where government involvement is harmful. For example, only a strong, focused government, working with other national governments, can help mitigate global climate change. On the other hand, government has no place dictating how a doctor, using medically approved practices, treats patients.

Real conservatives are adamant that government has no right to tell people who they can or can’t marry. Government has no right tell a woman what she can or can’t do with her body.

Articles on this site  promote other real conservative values, like laissez faire. Laissez faire means if a person is transgender, that person’s existence is not harming anyone else and government has no right to interfere in the transgender person’s right to be who they are. Likewise, if two gay men are holding hands, their actions don’t negatively impact anyone else and government has no right to interfere.

The United States is a multi-cultural nation and Frugal Ron embraces that. People who believe the color of their skin, their sexual orientation or their gender makes them superior to others will not be comforted by what they read here. The problem isn’t the diverse mix of people that live, or are coming to live, in the US. Racists, bigots and sexists that can’t tolerate the transition from a white, heterosexual, male dominated society to the multi-cultural one we live in today are the real problem.

Frugal Ron loves puncturing myths. Republicans claim they are just trying to end Black people’s dependence on government by cutting safety net programs. Yet, Republicans have no interest in cutting farmer welfare programs that go to white farmers. Between ethanol mandates, ethanol tax beaks, subsidized crop insurance and target price payments, there is no one more dependent on government largess than corn producers. Why the difference in cutting Black people’s dependence on help and ever expanding welfare to white farmers? Two reasons, hypocrisy and racism.

Other values…

Learning is never ending. Sometimes an article on this site starts out in one direction and by the time the research is done, the facts point to a completely different conclusion. That is good and makes life interesting.

Frugal Ron has opinions and they aren’t hidden. What differentiates this site is the large amount of data behind those opinions. The data isn’t anything secret. It comes from publicly available sources and published research. Also,Frugal Ron was raised by racist parents in a racist rural community. This gave Frugal Ron a deep understanding of today’s Republicans.

Most important is making sure the information on this site is factual. Regardless if we are talking about The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR or, one mistake and the news source’s credibility sinks to Fox News’s level. Every effort is made to keep that from happening here.

What to expect on this website

This website has evolved over the past ten years. The focus used to be educational. Now, our democracy and freedom are under more threat from Donald Trump and Republicans than from Russia, China, Iran or any other external force. That definitely changed this website’s focus.

While others blame Trump, his entourage of liars and  their propaganda sources for all this, Frugal Ron goes deeper, The real problem is the racism, bigotry and sexism of Trump’s true believers. Without them, the threat to our democracy and freedom disappears. Articles on this site explore the reasons for their hatred.


The internet is a great opportunity for two way conversations. If you disagree (or agree) with what you read on these articles, please use the comment ares to share your thoughts. I always reply and have written whole articles  answering readers’s questions. Democracy thrives when different viewpoints are expressed. Don’t be afraid to express yours. is a subsidiary of Curran LLC. Curran LLC owns and copyrights all material on this website.  Since this website is dedicated to sharing ideas, Curran LLC encourages readers to share any material contained here. You are simply asked to give credit to

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