Scott Walker & Ashley Madison

Betrayal, hurt, anger – just some of the emotions Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and people finding their partners listed as Ashley Madison members are sharing. Walker’s presidential campaign targeted the most vulnerable Republican voters, holy roller, Bible thumpers that passionately believe the world was created 6,000 years ago.  Walker spent decades positioning himself as the devout Christian son of a preacher, an Eagle Scout, a faithful husband and humble servant of the people to appeal to this group. For heaven’s sake, he even prayed with these folks!

Forget about drug testing the unemployed. There are more obvious needs for this kind of test.
Governor Scott Walker – violated.

All was going well with Walker leading the Republican polls and looking like an easy winner in the Iowa caucuses. But, then along came Donald Trump.

Suddenly, Trump, a well-known philanderer best known prior to this presidential campaign for taking his wife and mistress on the same Colorado ski vacation, was surging ahead in polls. Talk about infidelity! Trump was making off with Walker’s core group of voters!

Like Ashley Madison victims, the at least outwardly devout Walker must wonder what he did wrong do lose his base to a three times married Donald Trump. What could he have done differently?

While Walker talked about his brown bag lunches and the $1.00 sweater he got at Kohl’s (conveniently neglecting to mention his penchant for private chartered jets), there was The Donald buzzing 30,000 people waiting to hear him speak in an Alabama stadium with his private 757 jet. And, the redneck Bible-belters went wild! These were Scott Walker’s people. These were Scott Walker’s voters!

The two-timing holy roller voter betrayal from Walker marginalized his campaign. From Republican leader to barely ranking in the top ten of presidential contenders, Walker is taking his campaign the next step to absurdity with his recent remarks categorizing almost all Muslims as terrorists and his Great Wall of Canada blunder.

What this all means

While supporters call for the “real” Scott Walker to reappear, those of us who’ve watched him for years know the blathering fool who just makes stuff up and continually says really stupid things is the “real” Scott Walker.  Former Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin can vouch that once you let voters know you are clueless, there is no come-back. Your political career is finished.

Scott Walker is completely out of his league as governor. Yet, he probably could have continued in Wisconsin for as long as he wanted. His mistake was overestimating his ability and launching a presidential campaign. National press scrutiny and his budget fiascos made him a national laughing-stock. Abandonment by his core supporters punctuates the end of a forgettable political career.